Wednesday, October 21, 2015


As a Principal, I have our school participate in one fundraiser for the year. This fundraiser is called, Original Works. The Art teacher and I collaborate and students create unique pieces of art work. These pieces can be printed up as cards, mouse pads, keychains, note pads and many more momentos. These one of a kind pieces can be given as gifts. The fundraiser will begin this Friday. Look for the packets in the backpacks of your child(ren). Take a look at all of the gift options. The deadline for your orders is Friday,  November 6, 2015. The money from this fundraiser is used for student scholarships and school-wide activities.  Thank-you in advance for participating if you can.

I want to apologize for running two fundraisers at the same time. The SCA and I are working to spread out these fundraisers next year. Thank-you for your patience. 

*Community Opportunities for Families and Students


 -1 day lantern making workshop (these lanterns could be used in the "River of Light Community Lantern Procession" held in Waterbury, on Saturday, December 5, in Waterbury or to light up your own backyards!)
- the lanterns are beautiful and quite unique as everyone puts their own creative ideas to work
- workshop is free to attend
- all tools and materials provided (pruning shears would be helpful to bring)
- children under 8 yrs. must be with an adult-not suitable for children under 6
- limit of 20 participants
- Saturday, November 21, 2015
- Smilie Gymnasium
- 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. (one hour break for lunch
- To register, please contact Gowri Savoor at or visit


-If you are interested in having your daughter join the girl scouts, please contact them by the following: or 888.474.9686

CASTING CALL for a TALENT SHOW in December 2015 at Higher Ground

Live auditions for a childrens' (5-13 years of age) talent show will happen on Saturday, November 7,2015.  Register your act at: 

Please let me know if you have any questions. It was really great to see all of you at our Open House!


* It's that time of the season when lice seem to suddenly appear. Please check out all the information about lice and how you can help with this annual issue.
Our nurse has provided some very important information about lice and how to get rid of them. Thank you for taking the time to read information on the link below. Please contact the nurse if you have any further questions.

Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

* Our annual Thanksgiving dinner will be on Thursday, November 12,2015, this year. We usually have two seating opportunities: one for grades Prek-1 and one for  grades 2,3 & 4. Invitations will follow. Please stay tuned for further  Info

Need for Your Emergency Information 
* We are moving into the season where we may have emergency closings due to the weather. Please update your information with Sherry if you have not done so already. We really need to know where your child should go or who to contact in the event of  an emergency closing.

Mixed Bag Fundraiser

Our SCA is sponsoring a "mixed bag" fundraiser. There will be packets sent home today. Please take a look at the offerings. The money helps to fund a lot of our enrichment activities. Deadline is November 17, 2015. 

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