Tuesday, October 28, 2014



Dear Parents,

Part of the Responsive Classroom Program at Smilie Memorial School involves character building and fostering an attitude that reflects these attributes as children share their world with home and school.

CaringOffer to help others, share toys and games and help someone who is sad or sick.
CitizenshipCollect food for the hungry, obey school rules, donate toys to help a worthy cause and be responsible for what you say and do.
Courage Speak up in a respectful manner, use an “I” statement to solve a problem, seek out an adult to help you solve a problem.
FairnessDo your part when working with others, listen to both sides before making a decision, take turns and play games by the rules.
Respect – Use appropriate words like Please,”
“Thank you,” and “Excuse me,” respect yourself, others and property.
Responsibility Complete school work on time, be safe, learn to say “No” if something is unsafe, complete home chores on a regular basis.
TrustworthinessTell the truth, keep your promises and return things you borrow.

Although many of these concepts may seem to be simplistic but in the developmental world of a child they are complex concepts. This is why repetition and reinforcement of the obvious helps a child to understand the importance of character building as they develop home and school friendships.


Bernie FitzGerald, Principal

P.S. We as a school do not celebrate Halloween with costumes and candy treats. Thank you for following this procedure. If your children go out “Trick or treating,” be sure it’s in a safe location and they have reflective clothing and flashlights.

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